Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS)

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) ❓

 A condition when breathing is obstructed, whilst asleep, for short periods 😴

 Varies from 5-60 episodes an hour

 Risk factors: being overweight, male, smoking, drinking alcohol at night, sleeping medication, abnormalities e.g. enlarged tonsils 🌛

What are the Symptoms of OSAS ❓

 Breathing stops (apnoea)

 Breathing becomes slow/shallow (hypopnoea) 💨

 Loud snoring

 Waking up in the night 🛌

 Morning headaches

 Daytime sleepiness 💤

How do you Diagnose OSAS ❓

 Medical assessment of symptoms and history

 Questionnaire to assess severity 📋

How do you Treat OSAS ❓

 Referral to a sleep clinic 👨‍⚕️

 Sleep study/tests (at home or hospital): measure airflow/ movement/oxygen

 Lifestyle changes: lose weight, sleep on side, stop smoking/drinking alcohol/sleep medication 🍺

 Breathing support therapy: continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

 Mouth devices to open airways

 Surgery to correct abnormality 🏥

Why should I Worry about OSAS ❓

 Treatment can be lifelong 📆

 Can reduce quality of life

 Increased risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart issues and of car accidents 🚗

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