Glandular Fever

What is Glandular Fever ❓

 A viral infection caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) 🦠

 Symptoms take up to 6 weeks to develop and last at least 2-4 weeks

 Most common in young people aged 15-24 👧

 Causes: close contact with bodily fluids (e.g. saliva through kissing) 💋

What are the Symptoms of Glandular Fever

 Sore throat (usually severe)

 Swollen tonsils/glands in the neck 🧣

 Tiredness/fatigue 💤


 Flu-like symptoms 🤒

How do you Diagnose Glandular Fever ❓

 Patient symptoms & history 📋

 Blood test (blood count, antibodies, infection markers) 💉

How do you Treat Glandular Fever ❓

 Medication for pain relief & fever (paracetamol/ibuprofen) 💊

 Avoid close contact with others

 Avoid injury (e.g. contact sports or hard exercise) 🏋

 Rest & keep hydrated 🥤

 Hospital admission if extremely severe symptoms or abdominal pain

Why should I Worry about Glandular Fever ❓

 Can cause damage/rupture of the spleen 🤕

 Patients may suffer with prolonged chronic fatigue

 Can lead to other serious complications (e.g. jaundice, sepsis, acute kidney injury) 🏥

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