i-medics membership
i-medics membership
i-medics membership
Fancy saving 20% on your orders anytime you shop with i-medics? Find the right i-medics membership tier for you and join the i-medics exclusive club!
How it works? Choose your i-medics membership plan – you have 3 to pick from. When you sign up to an i-medics membership, you’ll pay an annual fee (depending on the plan you choose) which will include a select number of 20% off vouchers, access to unique offers and exclusive perks all year long as well as free delivery. You can redeem one of your 20% off vouchers on each transaction, select free delivery on your order at checkout and keep an eye open for your unique offers and exclusive perks that you can redeem from our email communications to you.
What perks will i receive? When you join the i-medics memberhsip, you'll receive the following perks: 1) Depending on which i-medics membership plan you choose, you’ll get a select number of 20% off discount codes (vouchers) which you can use at any time of year. You can even redeem your 20% off voucher against sale items, too! 2) Free and unlimited express delivery when you shop online, all year long. 3) Exclusive perks – treats just for you, to surprise and delight. 4) Early members access to sales, exclusives, promotions and more.
How much does it cost? There are three membership plans to choose from: 1) i-medics membership - fee of £15.00. 2) i-medics membership plus - fee of £25.00. 3) i-medics membership exclusive - fee of £39.00.
How can i use my vouchers? To redeem the voucher online, login to your account and choose to use your discount voucher, apply the unique voucher code at checkout. Please note: you can only use one promotional code at any one time, therefore you can’t use your 20% off voucher alongside another code. However, you can use your 20% off voucher on sale items.
To get your membership and discount codes now, do the following steps: Choose Membership Tier > Add to cart > Complete Checkout > We will email/WhatsaApp you your unique discount code within 24-48 hrs > Use your exclusive discount codes!
i-medics membership
i-medics membership
Fancy saving 20% on your orders anytime you shop with i-medics? Find the right i-medics membership tier for you and join the i-medics exclusive club!
How it works? Choose your i-medics membership plan – you have 3 to pick from. When you sign up to an i-medics membership, you’ll pay an annual fee (depending on the plan you choose) which will include a select number of 20% off vouchers, access to unique offers and exclusive perks all year long as well as free delivery. You can redeem one of your 20% off vouchers on each transaction, select free delivery on your order at checkout and keep an eye open for your unique offers and exclusive perks that you can redeem from our email communications to you.
What perks will i receive? When you join the i-medics memberhsip, you'll receive the following perks: 1) Depending on which i-medics membership plan you choose, you’ll get a select number of 20% off discount codes (vouchers) which you can use at any time of year. You can even redeem your 20% off voucher against sale items, too! 2) Free and unlimited express delivery when you shop online, all year long. 3) Exclusive perks – treats just for you, to surprise and delight. 4) Early members access to sales, exclusives, promotions and more.
How much does it cost? There are three membership plans to choose from: 1) i-medics membership - fee of £15.00. 2) i-medics membership plus - fee of £25.00. 3) i-medics membership exclusive - fee of £39.00.
How can i use my vouchers? To redeem the voucher online, login to your account and choose to use your discount voucher, apply the unique voucher code at checkout. Please note: you can only use one promotional code at any one time, therefore you can’t use your 20% off voucher alongside another code. However, you can use your 20% off voucher on sale items.
To get your membership and discount codes now, do the following steps: Choose Membership Tier > Add to cart > Complete Checkout > We will email/WhatsaApp you your unique discount code within 24-48 hrs > Use your exclusive discount codes!