Dr Mo - Co-founder of i-medics
MBCHB, MRCGP, NHS Clinical Entrepreneur
Born in Coventry at UHCW, I went to Sidney Stringer Secondary School and then went on to study Medicine, at Birmingham University. I then completed my foundation doctor training years at Leicester and Northampton, before coming back to Warwickshire for my GPVTS post. My training posts comprised of Acute Medicine, Urology, Neurorehabiliation, General Practice, Colorectal Surgery, Geriatrics, Paediatrics and Mental Health.
During my junior doctor years, I presented twice at the East Midlands Urological Society and also went to Fukoka, Japan for a research presentation i had done at the Société Internationale d'Urologie, where I had an audience with the Emporer of Japan. I have also helped co-ordinate at The British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine (BSRM) and presented a research project on 'The Use of Fish Oils in Schizophrenia' at Jepson House and The Caludon Centre.
I now work as a Portfolio GP; my roles include facilitating at Warwick Univeristy Medical School, I am the Director of 2 other companies, CSA ABC and Dome Medical. I am also part of the First5 Leadership GP cohort.
In 2022, i was accepted on onto the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme led by Professer Tony Young.
In my spare time I enjoy writing (see my blog at gumobeen.com) and travelling, having recently paraglided in the Alps. I am also starting a self-sustaining renewable farm near Singapore. When I retire, I hope to open a Toy Shop that will be called "The Greatest Toy Store in the World", you're all naturally invited of course!