FREE MSRA exam: 2500+ question bank
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MSRA Big Mock (28/08/2022)
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Upto 35% of junior doctors score poorly on the MRSA exam and do not get into their speciality training career choices. Are YOU fully prepared?

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GOLD Package: 2500 MCQs + 200 SJTs + 350 Podcast Library: Latest UK NICE CKS Medical Guidelines Summarised: ***UPDATED MONTHLY***

MSRA Big Mock Package: 2500 MCQs + 200 SJTs + MSRA Big Mock (28.8.22) + 4 hours post mock teaching/feedback + BONUS 350 Podcast Library: Latest UK NICE CKS Medical Guidelines: ***UPDATED MONTHLY*** ADDED FOR FREE

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FREE MSRA exam: 2500+ question bank
    1 reviews
Price: £0.00
MSRA Big Mock (28/08/2022)
1 Month subscription
1 Month subscription
3 Months subscription
4 Months subscription
6 Months subscription
12 Months subscription
12 Months subscription
12 Months subscription

Upto 35% of junior doctors score poorly on the MRSA exam and do not get into their speciality training career choices. Are YOU fully prepared?

Learn everything you need to know to Pass the MSRA exam 1st time!

Wide range of packages to choose from!

FREE Package: 2500 MCQs + 200 SJTs (latest NICE guidelines + detailed answer feedback + game mode + score tracker + review question feature + search by topic capabilities)

GOLD Package: 2500 MCQs + 200 SJTs + 350 Podcast Library: Latest UK NICE CKS Medical Guidelines Summarised: ***UPDATED MONTHLY***

MSRA Big Mock Package: 2500 MCQs + 200 SJTs + MSRA Big Mock (28.8.22) + 4 hours post mock teaching/feedback + BONUS 350 Podcast Library: Latest UK NICE CKS Medical Guidelines: ***UPDATED MONTHLY*** ADDED FOR FREE

To see FREE questions, do following steps: Choose Package > Choose Subscription > Add to cart > Complete Checkout > Create FREE account > Questions appear in account!

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4.9/5 Google Review Rating: Outstanding