Subcutaneous Injection (OSCE)


  1. Greet patient and introduce yourself 
  2. Confirm patient details ✍ 
  3. Briefly explain the procedure in a patient friendly manner 
  4. Check what the patient understands about the medication 
  5. Get patient consent  
  6. Check if the patient has any relevant allergies 
  7. Ask the patient’s preferred site for injection and ensure it is exposed and the patient is sitting 
  8. Check the patient is not in any pain 
  9. Wash hands  



 Disposable gloves  


 Sharps bin 🗑

 Gauze/cotton wool 

 Injecting needle (20 to 30 gauge, 13 to 16mm) 📏

 Drawing-up needle 💉

 Small Syringe 💉

 Follow up medication and prescription 💊


Seven rights of medication administration 

  1. Right patient: confirm details verbally and on wristband 
  2. Right drug: compare prescription to drug label 
  3. Right dose: compare prescription to dose 
  4. Right time: check paperwork and speak to patient about last dose administration  
  5. Right route: check route planned is appropriate  
  6. Right reason: check you have gained valid consent  
  7. Right documentation: check validity of prescription and check notes for allergies 



  1. Wash hands  
  2. Put on gloves ✋ 
  3. Using the drawing up needle, collect the medication in the syringe 
  4. Dispose of drawing up needle in sharps bin 🗑
  5. Attach injecting needle to syringe 💉
  6. Identify most appropriate injection site (abdomen – avoiding umbilicus and 2 inches surrounding it/outside of upper arm/outside of upper thigh/upper buttock/avoid any skin that is not intact) or multiple different sites for multiple injections 💉
  7. Ensure you can adequately access the injection site(s) 
  8. Clean the site only if soiled, using soap and water, or an alcohol-soaked swab in elderly patients 
  9. Using the thumb and index finger of your non-dominant hand, pinch 5cm of skin 📏
  10. Inform patient you are ready to insert the needle and that they may feel a sharp scratch 
  11. Insert the needle into the skin at a 45 to 90° angle 📐
  12. Hold the barrel of the syringe still and inject its contents 💉
  13. Withdraw the needle from the injection site and appropriately dispose of it in the sharps bin 🗑
  14. Place the gauze of cotton wool on the injection site and apply pressure 
  15. Apply a plaster to the injection site 💉
  16. Appropriately dispose of equipment 🗑



  1. Tell the patient the procedure is complete  
  2. Thank patient 
  3. Wash hands  
  4. Tell patient they may experience pain around the injection site for 48 hours, beyond this medical care should be sought, reminding them of potential complications they should be aware of 
  5. Record the details of the procedure  


  1. Greet the patient and explain the procedure
  2. Check the Seven Rights of medication administration
  3. Prepare by collecting the equipment, putting on PPE, and washing hands
  4. Identify the most appropriate injection site and clean it
  5. Insert the needle and inject the contents of the syringe
  6. Withdraw the needle and dispose of it apply cotton wool/plaster
  7. Complete the procedure by thanking patient and disposing of waste appropriately

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About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.