Male Catheterisation (OSCE)


  1. Greet patient and introduce yourself 
  2. Wash hands  
  3. Put gloves and other PPE on  
  4. Briefly explain the procedure in a patient friendly manner 
  5. Explain the patient that a chaperone will be present throughout, and why 
  6. Get patient consent  
  7. Check is the patient has any relevant allergies 
  8. Ensure the patient is not in any pain 
  9. Leave the room while the patient removes their underwear and return when they are on the examination couch, covered by a disposable sheet  



 Disposable gloves  


 Urine bowl  

 Catheter bag 

 Catheter pack 

 Male urinary catheter 

 Lidocaine 1% 

 0.9% sodium chloride (10mls) 

 Sterile water filled syringe 10ml 💧

 Clean procedure tray 

 Clinical waste bin 🗑



  1. Place equipment on the clean procedure tray 
  2. Pour the 0.9% sodium chloride on the cotton balls from the catheter pack 
  3. Ask the patient to lie in a supine position 
  4. Wash hands  
  5. Put on gloves  
  6. Ask chaperone to lift the sheet, exposing the patient’s genitals 
  7. Position a sterile absorbent pad beneath the genitals 



  1. Using your non-dominant hand, hold the patient’s penis and check foreskin is retracted 
  2. Clean the genital region using the soaked cotton ball, wiping in a downwards movement, away from the urethral meatus, once with each cotton ball  
  3. Dispose of the cotton balls and your gloves appropriately  
  4. Put on clean gloves  
  5. Place the sterile drape over the patient, with the genitals visible through the hole 
  6. Place the urine bowl on the sterile drape, below the genitals 



  1. Tell the patient you are ready to apply the anaesthetic gel which may sting at first 
  2. Use your non-dominant hand to hold the penis with gauze  
  3. Position the nozzle of the anaesthetic gel syringe in the urethral meatus  
  4. Slowly release the 10ml contents of the syringe into the urethra 
  5. Wait for between 3 and 5 minutes for the anaesthetic to take effect  



  1. Remove the tear-away section of the catheter wrapper 
  2. Use your non-dominant hand to hold the penis again  
  3. Tell the patient you are ready to insert the catheter 
  4. Using your dominant hand, insert the tip of the catheter into the urethral meatus  
  5. Advance catheter slowly until inserted fully, removing the packaging as you do so to ensure it remains sterile 
  6. As you reach the bladder, urine will begin to drain into the catheter 
  7. Tell patient to tell you immediately if they experience pain, and stop if so 
  8. Inflate the catheter balloon, using the 10ml sterile water syringe 💧
  9. Remove syringe when balloon is fully inflated 
  10. Withdraw catheter gently to identify resistance which confirms that the catheter is secure  
  11. Attach the catheter bag to the catheter and position it below the patient to enable effective urine drainage 💧
  12. Replace foreskin if present 
  13. Clean any lubricant or urine that spills 
  14. Recover patient with sheet 
  15. Appropriately dispose of waste/equipment 🗑
  16. Leave the room to allow the patient to change 



  1. Tell the patient the procedure is complete  
  2. Thank patient 
  3. Inform the patient when and where to seek subsequent medical care if required 
  4. Remove and appropriately dispose of PPE 
  5. Ensure the patient’s urine output is being monitored by nursing staff 
  6. Document details of the procedure in patient’s notes  


  1. Greet the patient and explain the procedure
  2. Prepare the equipment, wash your hands and don protective equipment
  3. Clean the genital region
  4. Anaesthetise the region
  5. Insert the catheter, inflate the catheter balloon, remove the syringe when fully inflated and then attach the catheter bag
  6. Complete the examination by cleaning the region and thanking the patient

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This step by step guide is designed to take you through performing female catheterisation in OSCEs.
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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.