Testicular Examination (OSCE)
Greet patient and introduce yourself
Briefly explain the procedure and reason for a chaperone ✍
Get consent ✅
Wash hands ✋
Don gloves ✋
Ask patient to remove underwear and lie down whilst you leave room
Check the patient is not in any pain
Inspect the penis, groin and abdomen, identifying any clinically relevant signs:
Scars: on penis indicate circumcision, in inguinal region indicate hernia repair or orchidopexy 🏨
Abnormalities of skin: swelling, warts, bruises, erythema
Masses: on penis indicate chancre in primary syphilis, in inguinal region indicate hernia, undecended testicle or lymphadenopathy
Inspect the scrotum and perineum, identifying any clinically relevant signs:
Scars: indicate prior surgery 🏨
Abnormalities of skin: erythema or warts
Masses: lumps on scrotum can indicate testicular cancer, on perineum can indicate abscess
Bruises: indicate local trauma
Swelling: of scrotum can indicate oedema or hydrocoele, when erythema is also present it can indicate cellulitis
Necrotic tissue: may indicate Fournier’s gangrene
Inspect the penis:
Check for phimosis: by retracting foreskin (phimosis is the narrowing of foreskin)
Assess patency of urethra: by opening urethral meatus
Identify abnormalities of glans: inspect for scars, warts, ulcers or discharge 💧
Prevent paraphimosis: by replacing foreskin (paraphimosis is when venous return from the glans is prevented causing them to swell)
Palpate the testicles:
Palpate the entire testicle by gently rubbing the testicle between index finger and thumb of both hands, holding it still with your other fingers 👉
If you cannot identify testicle: palpate along inguinal ligament to assess for an undescended testicle, or a scar which indicates orchidectomy/orchidopexy
If a scrotal mass is identified, assess it:
Position: especially in relation to the testicle
Size 📏
Shape: regular or irregular
Consistency: soft like a cyst, hard like malignancy/epididymis, or varicocele like a ‘bag of worms’
Motility: if you can ‘get above’ it, it indicates the mass is probably an inguinal hernia
Fluctuance: holding the mass on each side, press the centre of it, observing whether it bulges out, meaning it is filled with fluid, like a cyst
Expands upon coughing: indicates inguinal hernia or varicocele
Tenderness: indicates infection/inflammation 🔥
Transillumination: shine a light on the lump, if it illuminates it indicates it is fluid filled (hydrocele) 🔦
Palpate epididymis:
Curved structure on back of testicles
Tenderness indicates epididymitis (chlamydia)
Palpate spermatic cord:
Cord like structure, running from deep inguinal ring to both testicles
Using thumb and index finger, start palpating from above the testicle, identifying the cord and palpate along it to identify masses/tenderness 👉
Phren’s test:
Distinguishes testicular pain caused by testicular torsion and acute epididymitis
- Elevate testes
- Assess testicular pain now 😪
- Less pain indicates epididymitis
Doppler ultrasound is a more effective method for confirming the pain is not caused by testicular torsion
Cremasteric reflex:
Stroking the inner thigh causes contraction of cremaster muscle, which pulls the ipsilateral testicle upwards towards the inguinal canal
No cremasteric reflex indicates testicular torsion ❌
Assess scrotum with patient standing up
Assess and palpate the back of the scrotum to identify varicocele or hernia evidence
- Tell patient the examination is complete ✅
- Allow them to get dressed in privacy
- Thank patient
- Wash hands ✋
- Summarise what the examination revealed ✍
Fluid in tunica vaginalis
Transilluminates 🔦
Epididymal cyst:
Benign smooth
Spherical cyst in epididymis head ⭕
Independent from testicle
Transilluminates 🔦
Mass fluctuates
Spherical cyst in epididymis or spermatic cord head ⭕
Sperm in fluid
Independent from testicle
Transilluminates 🔦
Mass fluctuates
Enlargement of testicular veins in pampiniform venous plexus
‘Bag of worms’ texture
Cough impulse
If newly developed, perform renal tract ultrasound to rule out renal cancer
Progressive painful swelling of epididymis
<35, likely due to STI
>35, likely die to urinary pathogens e.g. E. coli
Testicular torsion:
Twisted spermatic cord causing sudden blood supply loss
Sudden severe pain in testicles
Scrotal erythema
Swollen testicle
Scrotal ultrasound and surgical exploration required
Testicular malignancy:
20-40 y/o males 👨
Mostly asymptomatic early on
Testicular ultrasound required
Treatment is usually inguinal orchidectomy
Undescended testicles, increases malignancy risk
Operation to descend them from inguinal canal into scrotum
Unilateral testicular atrophy:
Decrease in size of one testicle 📏
Due to mumps/vascular compromise/surgery
Bilateral testicular atrophy:
Decrease in size of both testicles 📏
Can indicate hypogonadism
Foreskin narrowing preventing its retractability
Severe phimosis may require circumcision
- Greet the patient and explain the procedure
- Inspect the penis, groin and abdomen and then the scrotum and perineum
- Inspect the penis to identify abnormalities
- Palpate the testicle
- If a scrotal mass is identified, assess it
- Palpate the epididymis to identify tenderness indicative of chlamydia
- Palpate the spermatic cord to identify masses/tenderness
- Perform Phren's test to distinguish between testicular pain caused by testicular torsion and acute epididymitis
- Assess the cremasteric reflex - absence indicates testicular torsion
- Assess the scrotum with the patient standing up to identify varicocele or hernia evidence
- Complete the examination by thanking the patient and giving them privacy to get dressed