Heart Failure (Chronic)

What is Heart Failure (Chronic) ❓

 When the heart is unable to pump blood around body

 Due to the heart becoming weakened or dysfunctional 💔

 Causes: coronary artery/heart disease or abnormal rhythm; high blood pressure (hypertension); drugs; obesity; overload (e.g. sepsis) 🤕

What are the Symptoms of Heart Failure ❓

 Swollen legs/ankles (water retention) 🦵

 Feeling breathless

 Fatigue 💤

 Heart palpitations

 Limited ability to exercise without discomfort 🚴‍♀️

How do you Diagnose Heart Failure ❓

 Blood tests (heart stress & others e.g. urea, blood count) 💉

 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

 Heart/chest x-ray scan

How do you Treat Heart Failure ❓

 Medication to reduce heart workload (e.g. beta-blocker, ACE-inhibitor) 💊

 Loop diuretic medication to relieve excess fluid

 Change in diet (reduce salt, balanced diet/fluid intake) 🧂

 Change lifestyle (rehab exercise, maintain healthy weight)

 Referral to a specialist if severe 🏥

Why should I Worry about Heart Failure ❓

 Patients condition may deteriorate over time

 Can interfere with daily life (reducing activity, feeling unwell) 😢

 Complications can be serious (muscle wasting, sexual dysfunction, arrhythmia)

 May lead to a heart attack or death

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