Fungal Scalp Infection

What is Fungal Scalp Infection ❓

 Infection of the scalp by a fungus πŸ„

 Also known as ringworm of the scalp

 Mostly affects young afro-caribbean children

 Causes: direct contact with an infected person or their belongings, or uncommonly from some animals πŸ‘­

What are the Symptoms of Fungal Scalp Infection ❓

 Scaly/crusted skin

 Itchiness πŸ’’

 Patches of hair loss

 Redness πŸ”΄

 Painful abscess (spongy appearance) πŸ§½

How do you Diagnose Fungal Scalp Infection ❓

 Patient symptom assessment

 Skin/hair sample testing πŸ”¬

How do you Treat Fungal Scalp Infection ❓

 Disinfect often, and don’t share objects like hairbrushes, hats or towels 🧒

 Antifungal medication, and cream/shampoo πŸ’Š

 Referral to a specialist

Why should I Worry about Fungal Scalp Infection ❓

 There is risk of a secondary infection

 The infection is contagious, so known contacts should be tested πŸ₯

 If left untreated can lead to scarring and permanent hair loss

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