Fungal Nail Infection

What is fungal nail infection 

 Fungal nail infection can affect any part of the nail 

 Toenails most commonly affected 👣

 Increased risk if: diabetes, poor circulation or poor immune system  

What are the symptoms of fungal nail infection 

 Thickened, discoloured nails (often yellow-green) 

 Nail may come off the nail bed with/without white/ yellow patches 

 Inflamed or scaly skin 

How do you diagnose fungal nail infection 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Examination of the nail(s) 

 Nail clipping sent for testing 

How do you treat fungal nail infection 


 Keep nails short, and avoid sharing clippers 

 Good foot hygiene 🛀

 No treatment required unless troubling symptoms  

 Antifungal creams/ ointments or medicine (if unresolved) 

Why should I worry about fungal nail infection 

 Difficulty walking/ exercising 

 Bacterial infections 

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.