Febrile Seizure
What is a Febrile Seizure ❓
Fits which happen when a child has a fever 👶
Between the ages of 6 months to 6 years
Causes: genetics & family history, infections (e.g. roseola, UTI), post-immunization (although rare) 🤒
What are the Symptoms of Febrile Seizure ❓
Fever (38°C or higher)
Muscle stiffening/jerking/shaking ⚡
Difficulty breathing
Confusion/drowsiness 💤
General body convulsions for less than 15 minutes; or partial convulsions longer than 15 minutes (i.e. one arm) 💪
How do you Diagnose Febrile Seizure ❓
Assessment of patient's symptoms 📋
General examination 🔍
Exclude other causes
How do you Treat Febrile Seizure ❓
First aid (e.g. protect child from injury) 🤕
Seek emergency care after 5 minutes (use of rescue medicine to stop seizure)
Treat fever (e.g. paracetamol, keep cool) 💊
Why should I Worry about Febrile Seizure ❓
Patient may have recurrent seizures
Small increased risk of epilepsy 🧠
Risk of complications (e.g. injury, hypoxia, cognitive impairments)
Can cause parent/carer anxiety 👪
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