Basic Life Support (OSCE)
❌ Ensure it is safe for you to approach the patient
❌ Put protective equipment on quickly
❌ Be mindful when using sharps
Assess the patient for a response
❗Shake them and ask if they can hear you❓
❗If they respond, ensure they receive immediate medical attention (ABCDE approach)
If the patient does not respond
❗Shout for help 🗣
Inspect airway:
❗Ensure the patient is positioned on their back and open their airway:
- Put one hand on their forehead and one beneath their chin
- Lift the chin up and tilt the head back
- Inspect airways for obstruction
- If the airway if obstructed, try to use suction or your finger to sweep it out
Assess for signs of life:
❗Jaw thrust: used in place of the head-tilt and chin-lift when spinal injury is suspected, to prevent the tongue obstructing the airway
- Use 2 hands to displace the lower jaw forwards and upwards
❗Carotid pulse: performed simultaneously with the jaw thrust 💓
- Check for a carotid pulse on the neck
❗Breathing: listen, look and feel for breathing for 10 seconds 💓
- Visible movement of chest
- Air blowing against your face
- Audible breathing
- Other signs of life such as movement
Agonal Breathing:
❗This is NOT a sign of life as it is when the patient is irregularly gasping for breath 🌬
Pulse present, but low respiratory rate:
❗Respiration rate <12: use the bag valve mask to maintain 10 breaths per minute 💓
Pulse present, and acceptable respiratory rate:
❗Further medical attention is required to maintain this stability
No signs of life
Call the ‘crash team’:
❗To resuscitate the patient with CPR
❗Call 2222 in a hospital (state location and whether it is an adult or paediatric patient)
Perform chest compressions:
❗With the patient on a hard, flat surface, perform 30 chest compressions then 2 ventilations and repeat
- Place your hands, one on top of the other in the centre of the lower part of the sternum
- Compress the chest by 1/3 of the depth of chest wall
- Deliver the compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute with no interruptions
- Ensure the chest fully recoils
- Every 2 minutes alternate the person performing the compressions
- Following tracheal interruption (if performed), continue compressions
Ventilate patient:
- Tilt the head and lift the chin
- Pinch the nostrils closed 👃
- Position your mouth over the patient’s
- Breath into their mouth twice and check for chest rising 👄
- Remove your fingers from the nostrils as they exhale the air
- Administer 30 compressions to the chest
- Ensure the patient receives additional oxygen as soon as possible
❗In clinical settings, mouth to mouth ventilation is not performed as alternative equipment is available which will not put the patient or clinician at risk of infection 👄
- Attach the automated external defibrillator (AED) to the patient’s chest:
❗Adhesive Pad 1: below the clavicle, to the right of the sternum
❗Adhesive Pad 2: on the mis-axillary line
❗You may need to shave any hair and should remove piercings
2. Turn the AED on and follow the instructions, for example:
❗Pause chest compressions
❗Deliver a shock if the rhythm is shockable and the patient is not in contact with anyone else
❗Continue CPR following the shock and follow any additional instructions
Signs of life identified
Organise urgent medical assessment!
❗Assess ‘ABCDE’:
A: Airway: ensure it is unobstructed
B: Breathing: deliver supplementary oxygen and monitor SpO2 🌬
C: Circulation: check the patient’s blood pressure, attach ECG monitoring and gain venous access
D: Disability: check the capillary blood glucose levels and assess AVPU/GCS
E: Exposure: inspect the patient to identify trauma or pathology
Handover to the medical team
- Assess the patient for a response
- If they do not respond: inspect airways, assess for signs of life, identify agonal breathing, assess for presence of pulse and respiratory rate
- If there are no signs of life: call the crash team, perform chest compressions, ventilate the patient and perform defibrillation
- If signs of life are identified: organise urgent medical assessment (ABCDE)
- Handover to the medical team