What is hirsutism❓
When women have thick, dark hair in a male-pattern of hair growth
Polycystic ovary syndrome/ PCOS (commonest)
Certain medicines, anabolic steroid use 💊
Hormonal conditions
What are the symptoms of hirsutism❓
Excessive thick, dark hair on any of: the face, neck, chest, tummy, lower back, buttocks or thighs
How do you diagnose hirsutism❓
Assessment for the underlying cause
Having classical symptoms
Physical examination
Blood tests (such as hormone levels) 💉
How do you treat hirsutism❓
Treatment is dependent on the cause
Combined oral contraceptive pill 💊
Eflornithine cream (for facial hair only)
Weight loss ⬇
Why should I worry about hirsutism❓
Affects self-esteem and emotional wellbeing
Anxiety and depression