Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
What is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)❓
A long-term (chronic) condition of the bowel that causes episodes of uncomfortable symptoms
Cause is unknown
Usually diagnosed by ruling out other illnesses
What are the symptoms of IBS❓
Pain/ discomfort in the tummy (abdomen) 😖
Changes in stool 💩
Constipation and/or diarrhoea
Stool appearance changes
Mucus in stool
How do you diagnose IBS❓
Having classical symptoms
Physical examination
Blood tests 💉
Stool sample 💩
How do you treat IBS❓
Lifestyle changes:
Symptom diary to identify/ avoid triggers (specific foods)
FODMAP diet: type of food to avoid/reduce
Manage stress
Regular exercise 🚴
Anti-spasmodic medicines 💊
Why should I worry about IBS❓
IBS is manageable: symptoms can be addressed during flare-ups