
What is impetigo 

 Infection of the skin 

 It is contagious, and is spread by touching  

 Two types: bullous and non-bullous 

 Increased risk if: warm/ humid weather, close contact/ crowding, damaged skin (scratching, eczema) 

What are the symptoms of impetigo 

 Non-bullous impetigo: 


 Scabby patches with golden crusts 


 Bullous impetigo: 

 Large blisters with thin, peeling skin 

 Red, raw area beneath blisters 

 Fever 🌡

How do you diagnose impetigo 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Physical examination 

 Swab (if persistent) 

How do you treat impetigo 

 Good hygiene measures 🛀

 Regular hand washing with soap and water  

 Avoid sharing linens 

 Hydrogen peroxide cream 

 Antibiotic cream 

 Antibiotic tablets 💊

Why should I worry about impetigo 

 Deeper infection of the skin/ widespread infection 

About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.