
What is jaundice 

 Yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes, and other parts of the body 

 A symptom resulting from a build up of bilirubin (a chemical created by breakdown of red blood cells) 

 Many causes that affect red blood cells, and/or the liver (examples: alcohol excess, gallstones, sickle cell disease) 

What are the symptoms of jaundice 

 Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes 👁

 Can be accompanied by other symptoms (examples: itching, pale stools, dark urine) 

How do you diagnose jaundice 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Physical examination 

 Blood tests 💉

 Urine test 💧

 Scans: ultrasound or MRI scan of the liver 

 With/without biopsy (samples taken) 

How do you treat jaundice 

 Dependent on the cause 

Why should I worry about jaundice 

 Dependent on the cause 

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