Neck Lump
What is a neck lump❓
A neck lump is a symptom rather than a diagnosis 🏨
Many causes including:
Skin infections
Raised glands due to infection (tonsillitis, glandular fever, etc.)
Salivary gland problems
Thyroid gland problems
Non-cancerous tumours
What are the symptoms of a neck lump❓
Lump in the neck
Other symptoms may be present depending on the cause 🏨
How do you diagnose a neck lump❓
Having classical symptoms
Physical examination
Blood tests 💉
Scans: ultrasound or X-ray
How do you treat a neck lump❓
Dependent on the cause (example: antibiotics if bacterial infection) 💊
Why should I worry about a neck lump❓
Some sinister causes such as cancer