What is paronychia❓
Inflammation of the folds of skin surrounding the nail 💅
Causes: bacteria (commonest), candida (fungus), other germs
Increased risk: consistent prolonged water exposure, injury (nail biting, poor manicure technique) ⬆
What are the symptoms of paronychia❓
Swelling at the base of a nail 💅
Pain 😭
How do you diagnose paronychia❓
Having classical symptoms
Physical examination 🔍
How do you treat paronychia❓
Drain the pus out
Warm soaks 3-4 times a day (pain relief) 💊
Antibiotic cream/ ointment
Antibiotic tablets (if unresolved, skin infection, or poor immune system) 💊
Why should I worry about paronychia❓
Infection spread