Pityriasis Roasea

What is pityriasis rosea 

 A rash that goes away on its own 

 Cause is unknown 

 Increased risk: consistent prolonged water exposure, injury (nail biting, poor manicure technique) ⬆  

What are the symptoms of pityriasis rosea 

 Rash: ‘salmon coloured’, flat/ slightly raised, circular/ oval shape, slightly scaly 

 Can be itchy 😣  

 Sometimes: mild headache, temperature, feeling sick 🤢  

How do you diagnose pityriasis rosea 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Physical examination 🔍  

How do you treat pityriasis rosea 

 No treatment required (resolves on its own within 2-3 months) 📅  

 If itchy 

 Moisturiser (emollient) 

 Mild corticosteroid cream/ ointment 

 Antihistamine tablets 💊  

 Avoid scratching 

Why should I worry about pityriasis rosea 


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