Abdominal Examination (OSCE)
Abdominal Examination
- Greet the patient and introduce yourself
- Confirm patient details
- Briefly explain the examination in a patient friendly manner
- Get patient consent
- Set the head of the bed to a 45° angle 📐
- Wash hands ✋
- Expose patient’s abdomen and lower legs
- Check the patient is not in any pain
General inspection of the patient
Identify any clinically relevant signs:
Age: e.g. IBD more common diagnosis in younger patient whereas malignancy and chronic liver disease is more common in older patients
Pain: examine the area where the pain is
Confusion: end stage liver disease symptom
Pallor: anaemia
Jaundice: high bilirubin levels associated with liver pathology
Scars: prior surgery
Hyperpigmentation: darkening of the skin due to haemochromatosis
Hernias: coughing can make them more visible
Oedema: swollen limbs or abdomen due to liver cirrhosis
Cachexia: muscle loss due to malignancy or advanced liver failure
Identify any objects or equipment that may be relevant:
Prescriptions: recent medications 💊
Mobility aids ♿
Feeding tubes
Fluid balance: indicate fluid overload or dehydration
Vital signs: reflect past and present clinical status
Surgical drains: record the type and location
Stoma bag: record the location
Other medical equipment
Inspection of hands
Inspect the palms ✋:
Pallor: anaemia
Dupuytren’s contracture
Palmar erythema: red palm of hand, can indicate liver disease
Inspect the nails ✋:
Leukonychia: hypalbuminaemia can cause the nail bed to whiten
Koilonychia: anaemia can present with ‘spoon shaped’ nails
Assess for finger clubbing ✋:
- Ask the patient to put the nails of their index fingers back to back
- If you cannot see a diamond shaped window, the patient has ‘finger clubbing’
The normal angle between the nail and the nail bed is lost due to soft tissue in the finger-tip swelling
Can indicate: coeliac disease, IBD, lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract and liver cirrhosis
Assess for Asterixis ✋:
- Ask the patient to put both arms out in front of them, bending their hands backwards at the wrist joint and holding for 30 seconds
- Observe for hand ‘flapping’
Asterixis, or ‘flapping tremor’ is identified by the hands flapping
Can indicate: hepatic encephalopathy, uraemia, or CO2 retention
Palpation of the hands
Assess the temperature:
Symmetrical warmth indicates the patient is healthy
Cold hands indicate poor peripheral perfusion ❄
Assess the radial pulse:
- Use your middle and index fingertips to palpate
- Assess the rate and rhythm
Assess for Dupuytren’s contracture:
- Palpate the palm
- Identify thickened, ‘cord-like’ bands of palmar fascia
The thickening of the palmar fascia, producing ‘cords’ will cause finger and thumb deformities
Arms and axillae
Inspect the arms:
Needle track marks: indicative of intravenous drug use which can increase hepatitis risk
Bruising: indicative of clotting abnormalities caused by liver disease
Excoriations: scratch marks which may indicate cholestasis
Inspect the axillae:
Hair loss: due to iron deficiency anaemia or malnutrition
Acanthosis nigricans: thickened or darkened skin due to insulin resistance or gastrointestinal malignancy
Inspect the eyes:
Jaundice: visible in the upper region of the sclera
Perilimbal injection: inflammation of the conjunctiva region adjacent to the iris, can be indicative of IBD
Corneal arcus: white/grey/blue ring in the peripheral cornea, in patients <50 indicates hypercholesterolaemia
Kayser-Fleischer rings
Conjunctival pallor: indicates anaemia
Xanthelasma: raised, yellow, cholesterol rich deposits on the area around the eye which indicate hypercholesterolaemia
Inspect the mouth:
Oral candidiasis: fungal infection, identified by white mouth, caused by immunosuppression
Hyperpigmented macules: polyps in the gastrointestinal tract caused by the genetic, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Glossitis: enlarged tongue 👅, caused a deficiency in B12, iron and folate
Aphthous ulceration: round or ovular ulcers on the mucosal membranes, which can also indicate B12, iron and folate deficiency
Angular stomatitis: inflammation of the corners of the mouth caused by a variety of things such as iron deficiency
Metastatic intrabdominal malignancy can be identified by a swollen Virchow’s node (left supraclavicular lymph node)
Oesophageal cancer can be identified when the right supraclavicular lymph node is swollen
Palpate for lymphadenopathy:
Palpate on both sides to identify swelling
Hair loss: can be caused by increased oestrogen or malnourishment
Spider naevi: lesions with a red centre and fine red lines extended from it ‘like a spider’, due to increased oestrogen levels, >5 indicate liver cirrhosis
Gynaecomastia: male breast tissue enlarges due to increased oestrogen or medication such as digoxin/ spironolactone
Hernias: assess for protrusions when coughing
Scars: indicate previous surgery
Striae: ‘stretch marks’ caused by rapid growth or skin stretching
Abdominal distension: caused by the 6F’s (foetus/faeces/fat/fluid/flatus)
Cullen’s sign: bruising around the umbilicus indicates late stage pancreatitis
Caput medusae: swollen paraumbilical veins and hypertension of the portal vein
Grey-Turner’s sign: bruised flanks indicating haemorrhagic pancreatitis
Assess any stomas present:
Contents: stool/urine
Spout: no spout in ileostomies/urostomies, spout present in colostomies
Location: indicates type of stoma (right iliac fossa = ileostomies and urostomies, left iliac fossa = colostomies)
Palpation of the abdomen
Prepare for palpation:
- Lay patient flat on bed
- Check for abdominal pain
- Identify pain by watching their face when palpating
Light palpation:
Assess for signs of pathology as you lightly palpate the 9 abdominal regions:
Guarding: involuntary tensing
Rovsing’s sign: pain in right iliac fossa when palpating the left, can indicate peritonitis
Rebound tenderness: slow compression and quick release of the abdominal wall causes pain which can indicate peritonitis
Deep palpation:
Apply more pressure and assess for signs of pathology as you palpate the 9 abdominal regions:
Mobility: distinguish between superficial masses and those attached to other structures
Location: record which region the mass is present
Pulsatility: pulsatile masses, associated with vascular origins
Consistency: smooth/soft/hard etc.
Size/shape: approximately measure the size of the mass
Liver palpation:
- Palpate the right iliac fossa as the patient inhales deeply to feel for the liver edge
- Repeat, moving 1 to 2 cm upwards each time until you reach the right costal margin
- If you identify the liver edge, record the following:
- Position: greater than 2cm beneath the costal margin indicates hepatomegaly
- Tenderness: can indicate hepatitis or cholecystitis
- Consistency: if the liver edge feels nodular, it can indicate cirrhosis
- Pulsatility: can indicate tricuspid regurgitation
Hepatomegaly causes:
Haemolytic anaemia
Wilson’s disease
Glandular fever
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Hepatic metastases
Tricuspid regurgitation
Gall bladder palpation:
If you can palpate the gall bladder, it suggests it is enlarged due to biliary flow obstruction/infection
- Palpate at the right costal margin, in the mid-clavicular line
- If you identify a motile round mass, it suggests the gall bladder is enlarged
- Pain suggest cholecystitis (Murphy’s sign)
- Murphy’s sign is identified when you palpate the fall bladder as the patient inhales deeply and they suddenly stop mid-breath because they are in pain
- No pain suggests pancreatic cancer
Spleen palpation:
- Palpate the right iliac fossa as the patient inhales deeply to feel for the splenic edge
- Repeat, moving 1 to 2 cm towards the left costal margin
- If you identify the splenic edge, it is suggestive of splenomegaly
Splenomegaly causes:
Glandular fever
Haemolytic anaemia
Portal hypertension caused by liver cirrhosis
Splenic metastases
Congestive heart failure
Kidney Balloting:
- Place your left hand ✋ under the back, standing on the opposite side
- Place your right hand ✋ just below the right costal margin
- Push your right hand ✋ down and your left up as the patient inhales deeply
- If you ballot the kidney, record its consistency and size
- Repeat for the left kidney
Enlarged kidney causes:
Unilaterally enlarged: renal tumour
Bilaterally enlarged: polycystic kidney disease or amyloidosis
Aorta palpation:
- Palpate just above the umbilicus in the midline using both of your hands
- Record how your fingers move:
- Outwards: indicates expansile mass
- Superiorly: normal
Further tests are require before diagnosis
Bladder palpation:
- Ask the patient to use the toilet before beginning
- Palpate in the suprapubic area to identify if it is palpable and hence distended
Abdominal percussion
Liver percussion:
- Percuss the right iliac fossa
- Repeat, moving 1 to 2 cm towards the right costal margin until the percussion note becomes dull rather than resonant (indicates border of lower liver)
- Continue to percuss upwards, 1 to 2 cm at a time until the percussion notes changes from dull to resonant (indicates upper liver border)
- Approximate the size of the liver
Spleen percussion:
- Percuss the right iliac fossa
- Repeat, moving 1 to 2 cm towards the left costal margin, until the percussion note becomes resonant rather than dull (indicates location of spleen)
- If you identify the spleen it is suggestive of splenomegaly
Bladder percussion:
- Percuss in the midline of the umbilical region, moving downwards towards the pubic symphysis
- When the percussion note becomes dull, you have identified the upper border of the bladder
Shifting dullness:
- Percuss from the umbilical region, upwards towards the left flank
- A dull percussion note can indicate ascitic fluid in the flank
- Ask the patient to role onto their side for 30 seconds ⏱ (keep your fingers in the position where the note became dull)
- Repeat percussion, the percussion note should now be resonant to confirm ascites presence
Abdominal auscultation
Bowel sounds 👂:
Auscultate in ≥2 abdominal areas
Normal bowel sounds: gurgling
Absent bowel sounds: suggestive of ileus (malfunctioning peristalsis disrupts the intestine functioning)
Tinkling bowel sounds: bowel obstruction
Bruit identification:
Identify vascular bruits (indicate turbulent blood flow) by auscultating over the aorta and renal arteries
Aortic bruits: 1 to 2 cm above the umbilicus, can indicate abdominal aortic aneurysm
Renal bruits: 1 to 2 cm above the umbilics, but slightly to the side of the midline on both sides, can indicate renal artery stenosis
Identify pitting oedema on the lower legs, can indicate hypalbuminaemia
- Tell the patient the examination is complete, and thank them
- Wash hands ✋
- Summarise what the examination revealed
- Greet the patient and briefly explain the examination
- Inspect the patient to identify any clinically relevant signs
- Inspect the patient's arms, axillae, face and mouth
- Palpate the neck for lymphadenopathy
- Inspect the chest and abdomen for any clinical features
- Assess any stomas present
- Palpate, percuss and auscultate the abdomen
- Assess for pitting oedema on the lower legs
- Complete the examination by thanking the patient
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