Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
What is Hepatitis C ❓
Blood bourne virus that affects the liver 🦠
Causes: usually infected blood (e.g. contaminated needles, razors, through injury) or body fluids (sexual activity, mother to baby) 🤢
What are the Symptoms of Hepatitis C ❓
Yellowing of the skin (jaundice)
Nausea/vomiting 🤮
Abdominal pain (right upper side)
How do you Diagnose Hepatitis C ❓
Hepatitis C blood test 💉
Liver function blood test
How do you Treat Hepatitis C ❓
Body may clear infection by itself (within 6 months)
Antiviral therapy
Diet changes (e.g. eat healthy food, no alcohol) 🍎
Vaccinations for hepatitis A and B
Liver transplant in severe cases 🏨
Why should I Worry about Hepatitis C ❓
Chronic infection can cause liver failure ❌
Increases risk of liver cancer
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