Acute torticollis
What is Acute torticollis❓
Also known as “twisted neck” or “wry neck”
Sudden onset neck pain and stiffness 😖
What are the symptoms of Acute torticollis❓
Neck pain and stiffness 😖
Can cause muscle spasms
May restrict movement on one side of the neck
May find it difficult to straighten your neck 😔
How do you diagnose Acute torticollis❓
Based on the symptoms
How do you treat Acute torticollis❓
Neck exercises and stretching
Paracetamol and ibuprofen 💊
Muscle relaxants such as diazepam 💊
Why should I worry about Acute torticollis❓
Symptoms usually resolve after a couple of days ⌛
Symptoms can persist for up to a week ⌛