Cervical radiculopathy
What is Cervical radiculopathy❓
Pain/weakness/numbness of the upper limbs 😖
Caused by compression of the nerves as they come out of the neck spine
Most common causes are due to degenerative changes
What are the symptoms of Cervical radiculopathy❓
Pain in the neck, shoulder and or arm 😖
Shooting pains, numbness and/or tingling 😖
Restricted neck movements
How do you diagnose Cervical radiculopathy❓
Symptoms and examination 🏨
Imaging is not routinely required
How do you treat Cervical radiculopathy❓
Encourage activity 🚴
Pain killers – paracetamol 💊
Firm pillows
Physiotherapy 🏨
Why should I worry about Cervical radiculopathy❓
If symptoms persist may require MRI scan and surgery 🏨