Morton’s neuroma


What is Morton’s neuroma❓

 Condition that affects one of the nerves that runs between the long bones in the foot 👣

 A neuroma is a benign tumour that affects the covering of a nerve

 Commonly occurs between 40 and 50


What are the symptoms of Morton’s neuroma❓

 Pain in the ball of the foot 😖

 Burning and tingling of the toes 👣


How do you diagnose Morton’s neuroma❓

 Symptoms and examination of the foot 👣

 Ultrasound or MRI scans can be used 🏨


How do you treat Morton’s neuroma❓

 Comfortable footwear 👟

 Padding in footwear 👟

 Steroid injections 💉

 Surgical treatments 🏨


Why should I worry about Morton’s neuroma❓

 Can recur following treatment and can have on going pain 😖

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.