Olecranon bursitis


What is Olecranon bursitis❓

 A bursa is a fluid sac that aids in joint movement

 The olecranon is the prominent bone at the back of the elbow 💪

 Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa


What are the symptoms of Olecranon bursitis❓

 Swelling at the elbow 💪

 Pain 😖

 If infected can have fever and skin colour changes


How do you diagnose Olecranon bursitis❓

 Examination 🏨

 If infected may need x-ray scans and blood tests 💉


How do you treat Olecranon bursitis❓

 Ibuprofen 💊

 Draining the fluid

 Steroid injections 💉

 Surgery 🏨

 Antibiotics if infected 💊


Why should I worry about Olecranon bursitis❓

 May be associated with arthritis

 Will need to avoid putting pressure on your elbow 💪


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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.