Osgood-Schlatter disease


What is Osgood-Schlatter disease❓

 Painful condition that affects the top part of the shin bone 😖

 Overuse of the quadriceps muscle pulls on the ligament that connects it to the shin bone


What are the symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter disease❓

 Pain below the kneecap 😖

 A bony bump below the kneecap

 Can affect both knees


How do you diagnose Osgood-Schlatter disease❓ 

 Typical symptoms 🏨

 Scans are not particularly useful ❌


How do you treat Osgood-Schlatter disease❓

 Reducing level of exercise 🚴

 Ice pack

 Physiotherapy 🏨


Why should I worry about Osgood-Schlatter disease❓

 Can persist for years in some cases ⌛

 May require surgical treatment 🏨

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