Temporomandibular joint disorders


What are Temporomandibular joint disorders❓

 Problems that affect the jaw joint

 Multiple causes

 Generally, not a serious condition that improves with simple treatments ✅


What are the symptoms of Temporomandibular joint disorders❓

 Pain in the jaw, cheek or temple 😖

 Reduced movements of the jaw

 Clicking jaw

 Noise in the ear 👂

 Sensitivity to sound 👂



How do you diagnose Temporomandibular joint disorders❓

 Symptoms and examination 🏨

 Blood tests to look for signs of inflammation 💉

 MRI scan of the jaw 🏨


How do you treat Temporomandibular joint disorders❓ 

 Rest and massage 💤

 Soft diet

 Paracetamol and ibuprofen 💊

 Physiotherapy 🏨

 Steroid injections into the jaw 💉


Why should I worry about Temporomandibular joint disorders❓

 Generally respond well to simple treatment ✅

 Sometimes symptoms can persist or recur


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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.