Trochanteric bursitis


What is Trochanteric bursitis❓

 Also called Greater trochanteric pain syndrome

 Inflammation of the bursa (cushion pad) that covers the prominent part of the upper side thigh bone

 Bursa is a fluid filled sac that aids in joint movement


What are the symptoms of Trochanteric bursitis❓

 Pain on the outer thigh and hip 😖

 Pain worse on lying on your side 😖



How do you diagnose Trochanteric bursitis❓ 

 Symptoms and examination of the hip 🏨

 Scans may be needed if the diagnosis is not clear 🏨


How do you treat Trochanteric bursitis❓

 Ice packs

 Weight loss ⬇

 Physiotherapy 🏨

 Paracetamol and ibuprofen 💊

 Steroid injections 💉


Why should I worry about Trochanteric bursitis❓

 Most will resolve with conservative treatment 💊

 Some may persist for longer ⌛


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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.