Ulcerative colitis


What is ulcerative colitis❓

 A condition where inflammation develops in the colon and rectum 💩

 Lifelong condition with flare-ups from time to time, which range in severity 

 Cause is thought to be a trigger that leads the immune system to cause inflammation


What are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis❓

 Diarrhoea: stool may be mixed with mucus or pus 💩

 Blood in the stool 💩

 Abdominal pain 😖

 Pain when passing stool 💩


How do you diagnose ulcerative colitis❓

 Blood tests 💉

 Stool sample 💩

 Colonoscopy/ sigmoidoscopy (camera in the colon) 🏨


How do you treat ulcerative colitis❓

 Aminosalicylate medicines 💊

 Steroid medicines 💊

 Immunosuppressant medicines 💊

 Surgery (if severe) 🏨


Why should I worry about ulcerative colitis❓

 Increased risk of colon cancer ⬆

 Bowel blockages/ rupture


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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.