

What is urticaria

 Superficial swelling of the skin

 Also known as hives, weals, or nettle rash

 Usually triggered by something physical such as heat/cold, allergies, other irritant substances


What are the symptoms of urticaria❓

 Itchy rash with small raised areas (weals)

 Weals are white/red surrounded by a red area (flare)


How do you diagnose urticaria❓

 Having classical symptoms

 Physical examination 🏨

 Skin-prick test (checking for allergies)


How do you treat urticaria❓

 No treatment required (goes on its own) ❌


 Loose-fitting clothing 👕

 Cooling the affected area

 Simple emollients (calamine lotion)

 Antihistamine tablets 💊

 Steroid tablets 💊


Why should I worry about urticaria❓

 Skin infection and scarring (if scratched)

 Poor sleep (itching) 💤


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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.