

What is vitiligo❓

 A long-term skin condition that causes loss of colour (pigment) of patchy areas of skin ⌛

 Caused by destruction of cells that produce skin colour

 Affects any area of skin


What are the symptoms of vitiligo❓

 Small areas of milk-white skin

 Can develops/ progress at different speeds ⏲


How do you diagnose vitiligo❓

 Having classical symptoms 🏨

 Physical examination 🏨


How do you treat vitiligo❓

 There is no cure ❌

 Avoid sun/ cover with clothes and sunscreen (prone to burning) 👕

 Steroid creams (slow progression)

 Skin camouflage

 Tracrolimus/ Pimecrolimus creams

 PUVA (psoralen and ultraviolet A light) treatment

 Narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) therapy 🏨


Why should I worry about vitiligo❓

 Low self-esteem/ embarrassment 😔

 Increased risk of skin cancer ⬆


About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.