What is whitlow❓
Infection of the tip of the finger 👉
Caused by either a bacterium (staphylococcus) or virus (herpes simplex)
What are the symptoms of whitlow❓
Redness, swelling of the finger tip (usually injured)
May have pus
Very painful and swollen 😖
Small blisters filled with clear fluid
Vesicles could fill with pus, which break and become crusted
Fever and tiredness 🌡
How do you diagnose whitlow❓
Having classical symptoms 🏨
Skin examination 🏨
How do you treat whitlow❓
Draining the infection
Antibiotic tablets (if staphylococcal) 💊
Why should I worry about whitlow❓
Complications in people with poor immune systems, including infection spread to tendons and/or bone