Pruritis (Widespread itch)


What is pruritus❓

 Pruritus: itching

 Large number of conditions cause widespread itching:

 Skin conditions (eczema, hives)

 Liver disease

 Kidney disease

 Medicine side effects 💊

 Can have no underlying cause ❌


What are the symptoms of pruritus❓

 Widespread itch


How do you diagnose pruritus❓

 Having classical symptoms 🏨

 Physical examination 🏨

 Blood tests 💉


How do you treat pruritus❓

 Dependent on the cause (if known)

 Self care:

 Avoid irritants (soaps, etc.) ❌

 Keep cool ❄

 Keep showers short 🚿

 Moisturisers (emollients)

 Antihistamine medicines 💊


Why should I worry about pruritus❓

 Disrupted sleep 💤

 Skin infections (if scratched)


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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.