What is Mumps❓
A viral infection that affects the glands around the cheeks
Now rare in the UK due to immunisation 💉
Very contagious and spread in saliva
What are the symptoms of Mumps❓
Swelling and pain of the glands on the face 😖
Mouth feeling dry 👄
Chewing and swallowing may be sore 👄
Fever 🌡
Abdominal pain 😖
How do you diagnose Mumps❓
Diagnosed through the symptoms
Swab of the mouth 👄
How do you treat Mumps❓
Painkillers – paracetamol or ibuprofen 💊
Lots of water
Warm compress on the glands
Why should I worry Mumps❓
Can cause painful swelling of testicles 😖
Can lead to brain inflammation – very rare 🧠
Hearing loss 👂