Otitis Media Acute


What is Otitis Media-Acute❓

 Infection of the middle ear – the section behind the eardrum 👂


What are the symptoms of Otitis Media-Acute❓ 

 Ear pain 👂

 Dulled hearing for a few days ⌛

 High temperature 🌡

 Nausea and vomiting 🤮

 Eardrum bursting 👂


How do you diagnose Otitis Media-Acute❓ 

 Based on the symptoms

 Examination of the ear 👂


How do you treat Otitis Media-Acute❓ 

 Most will clear in a few days

 Paracetamol and ibuprofen 💊

 Plenty of fluids and eating as normal

 Most do not require antibiotics 💊


Why should I worry about Otitis Media-Acute❓ 

 Rarely can lead to an infection of the bone behind the ear 👂

 Can spread to surrounding structures like the lining of the brain 🧠


About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.