Otitis Media – Chronic Suppurative
What is Otitis Media – Chronic Suppurative❓
Chronic inflammation of the middle ear (section behind eardrum) and air space in the bone behind ear 👂
Been present for more than 2 weeks ⌛
What are the symptoms of Otitis Media – Chronic Suppurative❓
Recurrent infections of the ear 👂
Fluid leaking from the ear 💧
Ear pain 😖
Fever 🌡
How do you diagnose Otitis Media – Chronic Suppurative❓
Examination and symptoms
Referral to ear specialists
CT scan of the ear 👂
Hearing tests 👂
How do you treat Otitis Media – Chronic Suppurative❓
Referral to ear specialist
Ear cleaning 👂
Antibiotics 💊
Steroids 💊
Can require surgery
Why should I worry about Otitis Media – Chronic Suppurative❓
Hearing loss 👂
Spread of infection
Issues with nerves that control muscles of the face