Otitis Media with Effusion
What is Otitis Media with Effusion❓
Also called “Glue ear” 👂
The middle ear (section behind the ear drum) fills with thick glue-like fluid 💧
Caused by fluid getting blocked in the ear following a infection 💧
What are the symptoms of Otitis Media with Effusion❓
Dulled hearing
Ear pain 👂
How do you diagnose Otitis Media with Effusion❓
Examination and symptoms 🏨
Referral to an ear specialist 🏨
How do you treat Otitis Media with Effusion❓
Can watch and wait to see if it clears on its own
Can use a treatment to open up the tube that connects the ear the throat
May require surgery to drain the ear 👂
Why should I worry about Otitis Media with Effusion❓
Can affects language and speech development in children 👧