Raynaud’s Phenomenon


What is Raynaud’s Phenomenon❓

 Small blood vessels in the fingers become narrow 👉

 Happens when you are cold ❄

 Can affect toes, the ears and nose 👃


What are the symptoms Raynaud’s Phenomenon❓ 

 Fingers go white and cool 👉

 Fingers go a blue/purple/black colour 👉

 Fingers go bright red 👉

 Tingling and pain in the fingers 😖


How do you diagnose Raynaud’s Phenomenon❓ 

 No test ❌

 Based on what you tell the doctor and symptoms


How do you treat Raynaud’s Phenomenon❓

 Give up smoking 🚬

 Medications 💊

 Cutting out caffeine ☕

 Try not to touch cold objects

 Keeping warm – wearing thermal socks and gloves 🧤

 Regular exercise 🚴


Why should I worry about Raynaud’s Phenomenon

 For most people it does not interfere with daily life ❌


About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.