

What is Tinnitus❓

 A ringing or buzzing that you can hear 👂

 Created by dysfunction in the hearing system of your ear 👂


What are the symptoms of Tinnitus❓ 






 Machine like noises

 A pulse or beat


How do you diagnose Tinnitus❓ 

 Based on your experience

 May need specialist advice 🏨

 May require a brain scan 🧠


How do you treat Tinnitus❓ 

 May require hearing aids 👂

 Antidepressants as it may be caused by depression or anxiety 💊



Why should I worry about Tinnitus❓ 

 Can lead to depression and significantly impact on your ability to function 😔

About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.