Transient synovitis


What is Transient synovitis❓ 

 Inflammation of the hip joint

 Normally occurs after a viral infection

 A common cause of hip pain between 3-10 years 👧


What are the symptoms of Transient synovitis❓ 


 Unable to weight bear

 Mild fever 🌡

 Pain 😖

 Muscle spasms


How do you diagnose Transient synovitis❓

 X-ray of the hip 🏨

 Ultrasound scan of the hip 🏨

 MRI scan of the hip 🏨

 Blood tests to check for infection 💉


How do you treat Transient synovitis❓ 

 Anti-inflammatory medication 💊

 Rest 💤


Why should I worry Transient synovitis❓

 Can happen again 🔄

 Most recover without complication ✅

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.