Whooping Cough
What is Whooping Cough❓
A chest infection caused by bacteria
Also known as pertussis
Will make a ‘whoop’ sound between coughs to catch breath 👂
It spreads easily through coughs and sneezes of infected people 👃
What are the symptoms of Whooping Cough❓
Fever 🌡
Vomiting after coughing bout is normal 🤮
How do you diagnose Whooping Cough❓
Typical symptoms
Nasal swab 👃
How do you treat Whooping Cough❓
Antibiotics 💊
Having enough to eat and drink 🍏
Being aware of complications
Why should I worry Whooping Cough❓
Can allow for lung infections
Coughing can cause nosebleeds, hernia and incontinence 👃