Cyclical breast pain


What is cyclical breast pain❓

 Breast pain that is associated with periods starting within 2 weeks ⌛

 Usually improves on the onset of periods ✅

 Commonly develops between ages 30-50 👩

 No known cause ❌


What are the symptoms of cyclical breast pain❓

 Breast pain 😖

 Pain and discomfort before period 😖

 Breast shape is different and more lumpy than usual


How do you diagnose cyclical breast pain❓

 Patients history 🏨

 Physical breast examination


How do you treat cyclical breast pain❓

 If symptoms are mild no treatment may be needed ❌

 Pain relief and anti-inflammatory medication  💊

 Hormone replacement therapy or contraceptive pill  💊

 Support and better-fitting bra


Why should I worry about cyclical breast pain❓

 Reassure patient that there is no serious underlying health condition

 Provides discomfort for individual and quality of life can be affected


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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.