

What is Infertility❓

 When a couple cannot get pregnant despite having regular unprotected sex for 1-2 years 🤰


     medication side effects 💊

     male health problems

     female health problems


    What are the symptoms for Infertility❓

     Unable to get pregnant 🤰


    How do you diagnose Infertility❓

     Patient history

     Patient examination


     Test to analyse semen


     Hormonal blood tests 💉


    How do you treat Infertility❓

     Advice regular sexual intercourse (every 2-3 days) ⌛

     Lifestyle changes


     Fertility treatments, to couples who have not conceived after a 1 year of regular intercourse

     Medication to improve fertility 💊

     Assisted conception (other ways of getting pregnant other than sexual intercourse).g. IVF 🤰


    Why should I worry about Infertility❓

     This can increase stress for the couple and affect their mental wellbeing 😔


    About the author

    The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.