Itch in pregnancy
What is itch in pregnancy❓
A sensation that makes an individual scratch 🤰
pre-existing conditions for mother such as obstetric cholestasis(liver/bile problems), skin rashes
What are the symptoms for itch in pregnancy❓
Strong desire to scratch
How do you diagnose itch in pregnancy❓
Having classical symptoms 🏨
Physical examination of area
Blood tests for liver function 💉
How do you treat itch in pregnancy❓
Itch with rash:
Self-care advice
Emollients to moisturise skin and Steroids to reduce inflammation 💊
Itch without rash:
Blood tests to check liver function 💉
Medication to moisturise skin 💊
Self-care advice
Advice in mother has obstetric cholestasis
Why should I worry about itch in pregnancy❓
This can affect:
Sleep 💤
Wellbeing of mother 🤰
Conditions such as obstetric cholestasis can increase risk of stillbirth, premature delivery and fetal distress 🤰