Giant Cell Arteritis (Temporal Arteritis)

What is Giant Cell Arteritis (Temporal Arteritis) ❓

 Condition that causes inflammation of blood vessels

 Commonly affects arteries in the head/neck (e.g. temporal artery under the temples) 👨

 Cause: unknown, however, it is more common in women and affects people over 60 year old

What are the Symptoms of Giant Cell Arteritis ❓

 Headache (new, one-sided) 💁‍♂️

 Tender scalp

 Tenderness/thickness in temporal artery 💢

 Vision changes/loss 👀

 Fever/fatigue/weight loss/low mood

 Pain or stiffness in shoulders/neck/arm/jaw muscles 💪

How do you Diagnose Giant Cell Arteritis ❓

 Patient symptom assessment 📋

 Urgent referral to a specialist

 Blood tests (blood count, inflammation) 💉

 Possible need for a biopsy (take a small piece of the artery for lab investigation)

How do you Treat Giant Cell Arteritis ❓

 Steroid medication (e.g. prednisolone) 💊

 Regular check ups

Why should I Worry about Giant Cell Arteritis ❓

 Can lead to total loss of vision in one/both eyes 👁

 If untreated can cause other complications (e.g. stroke, damage to major blood vessels, heart failure) 🤕

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