Live Chat feature on the i-medics website

What is it❓ 

 An interactive feature where you can ask your questions 

 You can talk to REAL people based in America πŸŒ

 Available 24/7, 365 days a year 

 It is interactive so you can give the Support Agent who deals with your query a thumbs up or thumbs down πŸ‘


How do I locate it❓ 

 Click on the β€˜Chat now’ pop-up in the bottom right of your screen πŸ“±

 One of our friendly Support Agents will greet you πŸ‘‹


What can I ask❓ 

 Ask them anything about our website or products 

 Please give your email address/whatsapp number so that we can contact you πŸ“±


What happens next❓ 

 Your query will be passed onto our team 

 A member of our helpful team will contact you within 1-2 working days 


  1. Get your queries answered using the 'Chat now' pop up on our website
  2. Speak to a real support agent who will pass your query on to a member of our team
  3. Get your query answered in 1-2 days!

About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.