Crohn's disease

What is Crohn’s disease 

 A condition that causes inflammation of the wall of the gut 

 Lifelong condition with flare-ups from time to time 🔥

The exact cause is unknown


What are the symptoms of Crohn’s disease 

 Diarrhoea: may be mixed with mucus, pus or blood 

 Abdominal pain 

 Unintentional weight loss  

 Generally feeling unwell 🤢


How do you diagnose Crohn’s disease 

 Blood tests 

 Stool sample 💩

 Colonoscopy (camera in the gut) and small sample taken of the gut (biopsy) 


How do you treat Crohn’s disease 


 Steroid medicines 💊

 Medicines that reduce the strength of the immune (immunosuppressants)  

 If severe, biological therapy 

 Maintain remission: 

Medicines that regulate the immune system (immunomodulators) 


Why should I worry about Crohn’s disease 

 Narrowing/blockage of the gut 

 Abnormal channels connecting the gut to other organs (fistulae) 



 Increases risk of bowel cancer  

About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.