Diverticula disease
What is diverticular disease❓
Diverticula: small pouches that stick out from the wall of the gut (intestine)
Associated with a low-fibre diet 🍏
Diverticular disease: when diverticula cause symptoms
What are the symptoms of diverticular disease❓
Pain in the tummy (abdomen), commonly in the lower left part
Constipation, diarrhoea or occasional large bleeds from the back passage 💩
How do you diagnose diverticular disease❓
Having classical symptoms
Examination of the abdomen
How do you treat diverticular disease❓
Lifestyle changes:
Increase fibre and fluid consumption ⬆
Weight loss ⬇
Regular exercise 🚴
Stopping smoking 🚬
Laxatives (if persistent constipation) 💊
Why should I worry about diverticular disease❓
Diverticular bleeding
Blockage of the colon
Infection inside the abdomen