Diverticula disease

What is diverticular disease 

 Diverticula: small pouches that stick out from the wall of the gut (intestine) 

 Associated with a low-fibre diet 🍏

 Diverticular disease: when diverticula cause symptoms 

What are the symptoms of diverticular disease 

 Pain in the tummy (abdomen), commonly in the lower left part 


 Constipation, diarrhoea or occasional large bleeds from the back passage 💩

How do you diagnose diverticular disease 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Examination of the abdomen 


How do you treat diverticular disease 

 Lifestyle changes:  

 Increase fibre and fluid consumption  

 Weight loss ⬇  

 Regular exercise 🚴 

 Stopping smoking 🚬

 Laxatives (if persistent constipation) 💊

Why should I worry about diverticular disease 

 Diverticular bleeding 

 Blockage of the colon 

 Infection inside the abdomen 

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