What is Dyspepsia ❓
Another term for indigestion, with upper gut symptoms 😖
Typically lasts four or more weeks 📆
Causes: gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), peptic ulcer disease, medicine side effects, food intolerance, functional/unknown
What are the Symptoms of Dyspepsia ❓
Pain/discomfort in the upper tummy 😖
Heartburn/acid reflux
Feeling sick and/or being sick 🤮
How do you Diagnose Dyspepsia ❓
Classic patient symptom assessment 📋
Examination of the abdomen
Breath test (to check for infection, or food intolerances) 🦠
How do you Treat Dyspepsia ❓
Lifestyle changes: weight loss, stop smoking, posture change 🚭
Diet changes: less alcohol, avoid trigger foods e.g. dairy, dont eat before bed
Medicine to relive symptoms e.g. antacids, acid suppressing 💊
Antibiotics in cases of infection
Why should I Worry about Dyspepsia ❓
Inflammation and/or ulcers of the gullet 💢
Is often persistent and/or can reoccur